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Top 5 Ways the TBRG Process Helps Reduce Home Buying/Selling Stress
October 27, 2020

A study commissioned by shows that first-time buyers find the process overwhelming.  

  • 1 in 3 buyers cried during the process.
  • 2 in 4 experienced anxiety.
  • 44% of buyers felt nervous throughout the process.
  • The average buyer had four arguments.
  • 2 in 5 described buying their first home as “the most stressful event in modern life.” (1)

A recent survey of more than 1,000 people who sold a house within the last three years found that more than 75 percent of people say selling a house was a stressful experience.

  • 36 percent of home sellers say the process left them in tears.
  • 20 percent of those who cried shed tears five or more times during the process.
  • millennials and parents were more likely to cry than other groups of home sellers. (2)


How does the Taylor Brauer Realty Group help?


5. Excel at Comprehensive Communication.

We believe the best way to help you and avoid misunderstanding is to simply stay in touch. We’ll talk about what is the best way to do this with you. Whether by phone, text, or email… we’re with you all the way.

4. Get to Know YOU!

How can we best help you if we don’t know you?! Plus, we hope this will be a life-long relationship. We don’t want to just get to know you for a transaction. We intend to be your trusted advisor and someone you can rely on, whatever stage of life.

3.  Develop a Personalized Plan with You.

What’s one of the best ways to reduce stress? Have a plan! We will discuss next steps, contingencies, and craft your plan of action. Every home transaction has commonalities, but we understand that no two are exactly the same.

2.  Stay Atop of the Local Market and National Trends.

In this everchanging world, we know that we must stay abreast of what’s going on locally and beyond to best serve you! For example… In a time where multiple offers are common at certain price points, we, as your trusted advisors, can help you navigate tricky situations---whichever side you are on.

1. Live Here. Work Here. Play Here.

We love the Triangle!

We have… Experienced the changes. Lived in various communities. Explored the region. Rented, bought and sold. Put down roots.

We have… Raised our kids here. Adopted our kitties and pups from local rescues. Volunteered for area non-profits, such as Special Olympics of Orange County and Boomerang.

Our kids have… Made life-long friends. Attended local K-12 and colleges. Volunteered. Played sports. Been involved in the arts.  

Personally, and professionally, we have spent years developing solid relationships with area service providers.  We love nothing more than to share these our experiences and connections with you!


Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets with planning. ? Thomas Edison, inventor

We believe our good fortune is you! We'll help you with all the rest. 





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